Sunday, May 24, 2009

So Long, Farewell

Friday afternoon found staff members gathering to support the teachers  who received the bad news that they were being assigned to other schools for next year. I know it was difficult for Anne (our principal) to deliver the news. We knew this day was coming, and we each hoped we would be able to stay a part of the Laurel family. Even so, it was still really hard to hear who would be leaving. I find myself really angry and frustrated these days...  The cuts in staffing are only the beginning of what I fear will be cuts in many other areas in the coming year. How could our state government let this happen? Why aren't they being held responsible? 
When will our society wake up and walk the talk? If education is truly valued it must be supported. And that means money must be spent on teachers, supplies, technology, programs, and curriculum. The future generation of teachers have been "let go" due to budget cuts. We will miss their energy, their fresh ideas, their knowledge. 

The teachers left will do what they always do... We'll walk back into our classrooms,  focus on our students, spend our own money on glue sticks and pencils, and hold on to the dream of fully supported/funded education. We'll do the best we can to teach every child no matter what their home life is like, or what challenges they bring to us. We'll celebrate our students successes and cry over those we can't reach.  We'll do our job despite everything... and hold on to the dream for a better future for our kids. 

1 comment:

  1. Sad but true. Thank goodness for those who still dream the dream. We can only hope that those who are just entering the profession with new ideas and fresh eyes will be able to hold on until things get better.

