Sunday, May 24, 2009

So Long, Farewell

Friday afternoon found staff members gathering to support the teachers  who received the bad news that they were being assigned to other schools for next year. I know it was difficult for Anne (our principal) to deliver the news. We knew this day was coming, and we each hoped we would be able to stay a part of the Laurel family. Even so, it was still really hard to hear who would be leaving. I find myself really angry and frustrated these days...  The cuts in staffing are only the beginning of what I fear will be cuts in many other areas in the coming year. How could our state government let this happen? Why aren't they being held responsible? 
When will our society wake up and walk the talk? If education is truly valued it must be supported. And that means money must be spent on teachers, supplies, technology, programs, and curriculum. The future generation of teachers have been "let go" due to budget cuts. We will miss their energy, their fresh ideas, their knowledge. 

The teachers left will do what they always do... We'll walk back into our classrooms,  focus on our students, spend our own money on glue sticks and pencils, and hold on to the dream of fully supported/funded education. We'll do the best we can to teach every child no matter what their home life is like, or what challenges they bring to us. We'll celebrate our students successes and cry over those we can't reach.  We'll do our job despite everything... and hold on to the dream for a better future for our kids. 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Reflections on My Laurel Family

Seventeen years ago we opened Laurel Elementary School. Anne Allen has been our principal, and I've worked with many of the same teachers since that first year. Some teachers have moved, a few have retired and we've added new members to our family over the years.  I've been lucky to work with a group of teachers at my grade level who have become like family. We've had our ups and downs, but basically we're a high functioning group. We not only work well together, we enjoy spending time together, and I know that no matter what happens we're there for each other. 

This next Friday we're facing changes to our school family. Due to budget cuts our district is moving from 20-1 student teacher ratio to 25-1. That obviously means fewer teachers. Pink slips went out in March... 2 teachers at Laurel, many more around the district. Iron House was hit hardest potentially losing 1/3 of their staff (Including this year's Teacher of the Year). This Friday we'll receive our tentative teaching assignments for next year. Three teachers from our school will be reassigned to other schools.  1 teacher each from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will either be reassigned or will change grade level. We're all nervous...  Who will be leaving us? Who will be changing grade level? How will we be regrouped for next year?  In addition, Anne, our fearless leader, will be moving into a new position an Assistant Superintendent and our office manager, Lana will be retiring. So, more changes to the family.  I'm thankful I have a job, I'm pretty sure I'll still be at Laurel, but...  will I be asked to teach the K-1? Who will I have to say good-bye to at the end of this year? It's going to be a tough week; State election on Tuesday, District celebration to honor Teachers of the Year and those with 5, 10, 15, 20 etc. years of service on Wednesday, Open House on Thursday night and then on Friday our assignments...  

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thoughts on the Break-In

This afternoon I got home and discovered my principal had been trying to get a hold of me. When we connected she told me that my classroom as well as the school library and a number of other classrooms were broken into last night. They took my guitar and my school laptop. Evidently they were only after laptops, and we were the second or third school they've hit in the last month. One of the thieves was caught with my guitar (should get it back eventually), so maybe they'll get the rest of the guys soon. I've been reassured that none of the student's or my stuff was vandalized, but I still feel violated. All I can think about is getting back to MY classroom and seeing with my own eyes that everything else is okay. How am I going to deal with this?  Do I stay angry? Do I feel grateful that nothing else was taken or ruined? 

The day started out so well... a good bell rehearsal (for our concert tomorrow), a yummy lunch with Christina, and a walk downtown enjoying the festival between rain showers. I came home and everything changed. It's so frustrating, and is one more stress in our lives at school that we don't need right now. I love my school and my job, but this spring we're dealing with so much: budget cuts (budgets frozen... can't buy a pencil without permission!), Anne moving up to assistant superintendent (a positive, but still a stress), a new principal (someone I know... again, a positive change but a stress), layoffs, tons of pressure to raise test scores and now we're facing increased class sizes next year, along with reassigning some teachers to other schools and/or grades. As one of the "veteran teachers" I try to set a positive tone and to be the kind of teacher that avoids gossip, bad mouthing others, or dwelling on negative. I try instead to focus on what I can control in my classroom and to support others. I've been doing a lot of listening to others this spring. We're all worried about who will have to leave our school, and grade level.  And now this... 

Last fall Mom sent me a copy of the Serenity Prayer and a quote by Reinhold Niebuhr... it seems appropriate today:

God, grant me the serenity 
to accept the things I cannot change, 
the courage to change the things I can 
and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Living one day at a time; 
Enjoying one moment at a time, 
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will; 
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy in Him
Forever in the next. 

